Last Spring we shared that our mobile recording studio was fully funded thanks to the generous support of our donors. This year, we’re happy to share photos of the build-out and the final amazing result. The studio includes a special ventilation system to safely air out the space between uses, a solar-powered electrical system, and pop-up performance space with sun awning!
While schools are in transition, kids are cooped up from confinement, and many youth centers are at limited capacity, we’re able to pull up to any school, park, or neighborhood in the city––and offer empowering arts programs and supportive relationships.
Thank you to the Bothin Foundation and all the innovation-minded donors that believed in making this dream a reality! Come on over and we'd be delighted to show you what you've made possible!
Are you an educator or administrator interested in arts programming to support vulnerable young people in your school community? Email us to learn more: