Dawn Stueckle
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Dawn has worked with young people in San Francisco for more than two decades, starting campus-based girls’ support groups at Lincoln High School and A.P. Giannini Middle School in the early 1990s and co-founding in 1992 the organization that would later become Sunset Youth Services. In addition to providing leadership for the nonprofit, managing staff, connecting with donors, and building relationships with young people served by Sunset Youth Services, Dawn partners with numerous community coalitions and city agencies as an advisor, change agent, and voice for the disenfranchised youth of the city.
In 2018 Dawn was elected to co-chair the Juvenile Justice Providers Association (JJPA)–– a consortium of community-based organizations that she helped establish in 2004 and which plays an important role in local policy-making, youth advocacy and has a strong voice in how funds are used to meet the needs of vulnerable youth.
General Information
San Francisco COVID-19 Updates (latest responses and more resources)
How to get tested for COVID-19
SF Marin Food Bank Pop-up Pantries
Families and Children
Citywide Services and Resources
SFUSD Latest Responses and Updates
Talking with Children about COVID-19
Emergency Childcare: DCYF, Rec & Park, and CalWORKS
Virtual Groups, Workshops, and Events
For parents/caregivers feeling stressed, call the TALK Line at 415-441-KIDS (5437). It operates 24 hours a day and is staffed by trained volunteers who provide compassionate support over the phone to parents and caregivers of children under the age of 18.
Housing and Homelessness
SF Gov Resources and FAQs
Mental Health Services
Feeling anxious, stressed, depressed, or isolated? Call the SF Mental Health Warm Line at 855-845-7415 or chat with them online: www.mentalhealthsf.org/peer-run-warmline.
Are you a senior feeling isolated? The Institute of Aging has a warm line called The Friendship Line. It operates 24 hours a day at 800-971-0016.
Hotlines to access more Mental Health Resources
Suicide Prevention
Having thoughts about harming yourself? For confidential emotional support, call the San Francisco hotline at 415-781-0500. You can also chat online with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/.
Domestic Violence
If you are co-quarantined with an abuser or are worried about having to self-isolate in a dangerous home situation, call the National Hotline at 800-799-7233 or chat online at www.thehotline.org.
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network hotline: 800-656-HOPE
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence legal help: 800-537-2238
Financial Support for Women Experiencing Domestic Violence:
Substance Abuse and Recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous: Call the helpline at 415-674-1821 or email them at help@aasfmarin.org.
Narcotics Anonymous: Call the helpline at 415-610-7294. Online meetings are also available at https://www.weconnectrecovery.com and www.intherooms.com.
Pit Stops & Hand Washing Stations